Stalk Outdoors Podcast
Yarns with Spearos, Bowhunters & Fishing Fanatics from around the 🌏
Podcasting since 2023 • 49 episodes
Stalk Outdoors Podcast
Latest Episodes
049: Red Deer Rut Masterclass | Live Kev Schilf : Mistakes To Avoid This Rut
Today we are joined live in the studio by Red Deer expert Mr Kev Schilf. Just in time for the annual Red Deer Rut (Mating period) we sit down and pick Kev's brain on things to and not to do, this Red Deer Rut to help maximise your chances of pu...

048: Pre-Rut Bowhunters Butchering Course | Live Kev Schilf & Ian Summers
Today's Yarn sees us head out to record a live episode with Bowhunting and Archery legends Kev Schilf and Ian Summers on the 2025 Pre-Rut Bowhunters Butchering Course.We sit down with the boys as well as seven students on the course and ...

047: The Stag Of A Lifetime | Brett Meldrum
Today's yarn is with returning guest Brett Meldrum. Brett joins us to yarn all about the incredible events that led to him putting down one of, if not the biggest Red Stags in Australian history with the Bow.Brett details the events on t...

046: Ben Salleras | Travel Tips For Bowhunting
Today's yarn is all about sharing travel tips for those who are flying interstate or overseas with a bow. When planning this episode we knew it was essential to speak to a guest who has travelled extensively across the world ...

045: The Bald Chef | What Are We Actually Eating These Days?
Today's yarn is with The Bald Chef Andrew Joulianou.We are back for our first episode of 2025 which marks the beginning of season three of the show.With all the hysteria surrounding our food consumption, food additives and our a...